Grapes: White Grenache
Country: Spain
Regions:Terra Alta
Wine Type:White
Bottle Size: 750ml
Alcohol: 13%
£21.21 incl. UK VAT & duty fee | £15.45 due at checkout | est. £5.76 to be paid to courier, with a small customs handling fee
IMPORTANT: We operate from Germany and therefore you are not paying any tax to us, but instead you will need to pay all UK taxes to the courier after receiving your delivery. Read about UK shipping, VAT and Duty Taxes.

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Celler Frisach is a natural wine producer based in the Terra Alta region in Spain and the wine 'La Foradada' is made using grapes of White Grenache (Grenache Blanc).

Tasting notes FROM Cellar Frisach:

La Foradada smells like green almonds and has an almost voluptuous point, of terpene, from the skins. It smells of rosemary honey, to wild fennel, a field of freshly harvested grain. Smells like a summer night. It is beautiful, warm and direct as the first rays of morning sun. It fills everything. It smells of sunflowers, dried chamomile, like moss, pear and lemon-mint. Resin and almond blossoms. It smells of life and origin.

We ship every Wednesday. Order by Tuesday 10am.

Celler Frisach - La Foradada
£21.21 incl. UK VAT & duty fee | £15.45 due at checkout | est. £5.76 to be paid to courier, with a small customs handling fee

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