Palmento Bianco 2019

Vino di Anna
Grapes: Field Blend
Country: Italy
Wine Type:White
Vintage: 2019
Bottle Size: 750ml
Alcohol: 11.50%
£25.64 incl. UK VAT & duty fee | £19.14 due at checkout | est. £6.50 to be paid to courier, with a small customs handling fee
IMPORTANT: We operate from Germany and therefore you are not paying any tax to us, but instead you will need to pay all UK taxes to the courier after receiving your delivery. Read about UK shipping, VAT and Duty Taxes.

Palmento Bianco 2019 by Vino Di Anna is a natural wine made in Sicily with Field Blend grapes.

Tasting notes: yellow plum, apricot and stoney minerality. Very smooth and easy drinking at 11.5% and low acidity, which makes it very approachable.

Based on Mount Etna in Sicily, Vino di Anna is a small family domain (co-run by the owner of UK importer Les Caves de Pyrene).

Their Palmento wines are a homage to the traditional Palmento buildings of Etna, where grapes were trodden by foot in lava stone vats. The process is now illegal to make commercial wine in, due to very poor hygienic standards.

These Palmento wines are not made in the same way, but pay respect to the quick maceration and field blends used to make such wines (before a quality over quantity approach, much of Etna's wine history was full of field blend wines, mixing both red and white grapes, all thrown in together for bulk wine production)

This white is light, elegant and minerally, ideal with fish dishes.

We ship every Wednesday. Order by Tuesday 10am.

Vino di Anna - Palmento Bianco 2019
£25.64 incl. UK VAT & duty fee | £19.14 due at checkout | est. £6.50 to be paid to courier, with a small customs handling fee

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