Regent is a red wine grape that is widely cultivated in various regions around the world. It is particularly prominent in Germany, where it was developed in the late 20th century as a disease-resistant alternative to traditional grape varieties. Today, it is also grown in other countries such as England, Switzerland, and the United States.
Regent is not exacty a popular or fashionable grape..
One of the key advantages of Regent grapes is their resistance to diseases such as downy mildew and powdery mildew, which can be a major challenge for grape growers. This makes them a popular choice for chemical-free or sustainable vineyards.

Hunty Pet Nat
Katla Wines
CRAZY! Peach, Cream Soda, Salt, Baking Spices!

Queendom 2023
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Forest Fruit Candies, Hedgerow, Cacao Bitters

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Rosé Natúr 2021
B.D Schmitt
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Sigyn 2022
Katla Wines
Regent + Riesling with 3g R.S